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We are committed to  ministering to the misery of the masses with a message of hope from the master, here is a brief summary of the ministries of our church


The missionary ministry is the home and foreign missions arm of Faith Tabernacle. Through our ministry support on foreign soil ( i.e., Africa and other areas of the world) and our ministry support here in the United States, we demonstrate the love of God and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to those less fortunate than ourselves in the world and indeed as we believe that  faith without works is dead. 

Intercessory Prayer


The purpose and focus of this ministry is to provide ongoing strategic prayer for the people, leaders, ministries and vision of Faith Tabernacle Church. This ministry also seeks to develop those with a burden for prayer to become intercessors of prayer with online prayer on Saturday at 9:00am and in the sanctuary at 11am.


Saturday at 9am call 712.432.1601 

Pass Code: 105127

Bible Church School


The mission of the  (BCS) Sunday School Department is to teach biblical truths, principles and personal applications to all members of the Church at their respective age and interest levels. Bible Church School convenes each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m., as one of the most important arms of the Church




Our music ministry follows the vision of Pastor Hutchen to reach the world through the avenue of music and fine arts. The music department provides opportunities for participants to develop their gifts and abilities through music and fine arts. We offer several entities within this department

  • Praise Team

  • Kids choir

  • Jewels of Faith

  • Musicians

  • Praise Dancers

If you would like to participate in any of these areas please contact


Young People's Holy Association (YPHA)


YPHA is spefically geared towards training our youth for the express purpose of spiritual growth. YPHA convenes on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. as one of the most important arms of the Church. 



It is the Ushers duty to uphold the ministry in seating and directing members and visitors so that everything is done decently and in order. Our vision is to see everyone come together in song and praise to give God the glory.

© 2023 by Impact of Faith Media

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