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Lady Kabrea Rochelle was born on December 16th, in Niagara Falls NY. At the age of eight years old, Lady Hutchen accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and at the age of 16, she was filled with the Holy Ghost. Since her first encounter with the true and living God, she has lived a saved and sanctified life. She is a living testimony that God is “able to keep you from falling”. Her life is accentuated by “being Holy as he (God) is holy”.
On June 30th 2006, Lady Kabrea married Pastor Jermaine N. Hutchen and became his help mete. Lady Hutchen fulfills her primary call to the ministry through ministering to her husband and rearing their three beautiful children, Jermaine Jr., Aveyah, & Alaiyah Hutchen. As First Lady, she employs her talents as administrator, worship leader, astute bible teacher, counselor, and discerner of spirits to aid Pastor Hutchen as he equips the saints for the work of the ministry and the building up of the body of Christ. Lady Hutchen underscores the work of her hands with her favorite passage of scripture – Romans 12:2 . She says, “You cannot change anything if there hasnt been 1st a change of mind”. "Lady" as she is often called is a Wife, Mother, First Lady, Worship Leader, Street Evangelist, Conference Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, Entrepreneur, and Women’s Advocate. She continues to be a living witness to the power of God and is used of God as she continues to declare “Faith is the Victory”

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